Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Summer coaching with Simone Albiston


Central Reserve, Glen Waverley


Central Reserve, Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia

Google Maps:


Melway Ref:

71 B5

News - 2017/2018

Summer coaching with Simone Albiston for all Junior athletes will recommence on Monday October 2nd. Primary school athletes from 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm and High school athletes from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm. Coaching will focus on a different discipline each week giving athletes a chance to practice their skills in a variety of athletic events including the ever popular high jump coaching with Andrew. Email queries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . All levels of athletes welcome. No previous experience necessary.

Added: 05/09/2017 23:12:19