Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track


SUMMER (Track and Field)

The Centre cycles through three or four programs throughout the Track and Field (Summer) season. These may vary slightly during the season or year to year based on enrolment numbers.  

Weekly Programs for 2024-25 are still being finalised and will be put on our website soon. 

For current information about events offered and LAVic Rules and Regulations click on: https://lavic.com.au/competition/rules-and-regulations/   &  https://lavic.com.au/education/

LAVic has produced a series of YouTube videos about how to run and officiate the events, at a centre level: LAVic Volunteer & Officiating Videos

Check out the list of events below. Each has a video from YouTube from Little Athletics Australia explaining the events. Also look on our coaching/training page for more videos explaining events.


Cancellations due to inclement weather

During the summer Track & Field season, the President and the Arena Manager will inspect the track at about 7:45am before making a decision whether to cancel due to extreme weather conditions. 

The website will be updated at around 8:00am with the message displayed on the Home page and on our Facebok page.

Occasionally, the rain may set in after we have started, in which case the safety of the track will be monitored closely! As we normally finish before midday, before the day gets too hot, it is unusual to have a cancellation due to heat.

NOTE: When a cancellation of the Waverley weekly program occurs because of wet weather, local synthetic tracks are available at Nunawading, Knox, Springvale and Caulfield.  Little Athletes from Waverley are welcome to make use of these facilities.


WINTER (Cross Country)

Cross Country is held from April through to August on Saturday mornings, beginning at 9am.  It is open to all athletes in Under 6 to Under 17.

Waverley joins forces with Knox LAC as well as running at a few Open Days in the South Eastern suburbs.  

The distances range from 500m (U6) to 3000m (U17) and the courses take you up and down hills, on bush tracks and through the odd puddle and mud !!!

There is no cost to athletes already registered with Waverley for the summer season and the uniform is the same as what you already have.  

For any queries please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or look on our Cross Country Page for more info.

Cross Country is held RAIN, HAIL or SHINE!

Last Updated: 27/09/2024 14:07:09

Summer Track and Field - Field - Discus and Shot Put

Discus and Shot Put are done by all age groups (U6-U17)

Summer Track and Field - Field - High Jump

High Jump (Fosbury Flop) is done by U11-U17.

Summer Track and Field - Field - Long Jump and Triple Jump

Long Jump is done by all age groups (U6-U17).
Triple Jump (also known as the Hop, Step and Jump) is done by U11-U17.

Summer Track and Field - Field - Vortex and Javelin

Vortex is done by U6-U10 and is an introduction to the throwing style required for Javelin.

Javelin is done by U11-U17.

Summer Track and Field - Track - Hurdles

The following events are considered Short Hurdles run in lanes on the Sprint Track.

  • 60 Metres (U8-U10)
  • 80 Metres (U11-U13 + U14 Girls)
  • 90 Metres (U14 Boys + U15-U16 Girls)
  • 100 Metres (U15-U16 Boys + U17 Girls)
  • 110 Metres (U17 Boys)

The following events are considered Long Distance Hurdles and are run in lanes on the Circular Track.

  • 200 Metre (U13-U14)
  • 300 Metre (U15-U17)

Summer Track and Field - Track - Running

The following events are run in lanes.  70 and 100 Metre events are usually run on the Sprint Track but are sometimes run on the back straight of the Circular Track.

  • 70 Metres (U6-U17)
  • 100 Metres (U6-U17)
  • 200 Metres (U6-U17)
  • 400 Metres (U9-U17)

The following events are considered Long Distance and are run on the Circular Track.

  • 300 Metres (U6-U7)
  • 600 Metres (U8)
  • 800 Metres (U9-U17)
  • 1500 Metres (U11-U17)

Summer Track and Field - Track - Walks

Race Walking is on the inner two lanes of the Circular Track

  • 300 Metres (U6-U7)
  • 700 Metres (U8-U9)
  • 1100 Metres (U10-U11)
  • 1500 Metres (U12-U17)

On-field Information and Forms

Age Group Leaders info in folder (Updated 03/05/2021)
Centre Records Form - Field Events (Updated 10/10/2014)
Centre Records Form - Track Events (Updated 10/10/2014)
Chief Walks Judge Master Sheet (Updated 26/08/2016)
Equipment Borrowing Form (Updated 28/07/2022)
Evacuation Map (Updated 10/10/2014)
Event Locations Map (Updated 16/08/2022)
High Jump Rule Changes U9 & U10 Age Groups SEP 2015 (Updated 22/09/2015)
Hurdle Specifications (Updated 20/11/2023)
Hurdle Track Marks (Updated 29/09/2022)
LAVic Centre Officiating Booklet (Updated 27/09/2024)
LAVic Walks Judging & Coaching Book 2020 (Updated 21/12/2020)
Recording Folder Info - High Jump (Updated 27/07/2022)
Recording Folder Info - Long Jump/Triple Jump (Updated 27/07/2022)
Recording Folder Info - Throws (Updated 27/07/2022)
Recording Folder Info - Track (Updated 29/09/2022)
Setting Up Procedure (Updated 17/09/2025)
What happens on Sat morning (Updated 03/10/2024)


Extreme Weather Policy (Updated 16/07/2023)


2024-25 Program A (Updated 10/10/2024)
2024-25 Program B (Updated 31/01/2025)
2024-25 Program C (Updated 11/10/2024)
2024-25 Program D (Updated 11/10/2024)
2024-25 Christmas Program (Updated 20/12/2024)
2024-25 Program Summary (Updated 25/09/2024)
2024-25 Relay 1 (Updated 29/10/2024)
2024-25 Relay 2 (Updated 31/10/2024)
2024-25 Twilight A revised (Updated 11/02/2025)
2024-25 Twilight B (Updated 10/12/2024)
Oakleigh Visit (Updated 05/02/2025)
Welcome to Season 2024-25 (Updated 03/10/2024)
Saturday 22/02/2025 8:45 Week 18 - Program D
Saturday 01/03/2025 8:45 Week 19 - Program Handicap
Thursday 06/03/2025 18:00 Week 20 - Program Twilight B
Saturday 15/03/2025 8:45 Week 21 - Program Relaython
Saturday 22/03/2025 8:45 Week 22 - Program AGM
Saturday 29/03/2025 Week 23 - T & F Season Presentation Day