Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Week 19 - Saturday 27 February 2016

News - 2015/2016

This Saturday will be our last round of competition for the season, so come along and enjoy the program. It's Program 3 this week, which is Walks/400m. 
Week 20 on Saturday 12 March will be for anyone wanting to do an event before competing at State Championships, with possibly some throws coaching available that day TBC. 

I'm pleased to say that our athletes did very well over the weekend, winning many medals. Sophie O'Sullivan won a clean sweep with 4 gold medals, with an outstanding finish in the 400m! Could I ask for all athletes to bring their medals on Saturday for a group photo with all competitors from the weekend - we had 23 athletes compete in total. Full report later in the week. 

We require a First Aid volunteer this week as Peter Cooke has work commitments. Please let me know if you can assist. 

As you are aware this will be held next Saturday 5 March. We kickoff at 10am. I'll be MC'ing so my aim is to get through the awards as quickly as possible. 

I'd personally like to thank all the volunteers who have helped this season. Without your assistance the program could not have run smoothly. A special mention to all of our key officials who do such a great job and the people behind the scenes! 

See you all this coming Saturday. 

Darren Watts 
Arena Manager

Added: 22/02/2016 19:20:32