Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Week 18 Twilight - Thursday 18 February

News - 2015/2016

This Thursday will be the last of our twilight meets for the season. Twilight Program 1 will be used. This will be the last week for 'points', as we need to organise trophies, etc for the end of season. 
We will be setting up all equipment as normal with the exception of the circular track timing and hurdles. 
Please arrive by 5pm if you can assist with set up. The program will start at 6pm, with 5.45pm warm-up. 

The athletes from Athletics Waverley will once again be joining us to run 100m and 1500m, which should be exciting (James Atkinson v Sophie O'Sullivan III??). 
We will also have a thrower (Shane Carstairs) in attendance early in the program to coach the athletes. 

Please look after our equipment if you are using, putting out or packing up. A new High Jump bar was rendered unusable last week due to someone's carelessness. 

I wanted to send a shout out to young Serena Bryant (U7), who single-handedly raised $550 by creating her own fundraising webpage. An outstanding effort Serena! 

SMR TRACK AND FIELD CHAMPIONSHIPS - this weekend at Caulfield 
I'm calling for anyone who can assist with officiating on the weekend as there are a number of slots we need to fill. This includes anyone on the Committee who can assist. Only 1 family has not committed to a duty - if you don't your son/daughter is ineligible to compete
Good luck to all athletes competing. Relax and enjoying the competition. 

A sports psychologist will be visiting the club on Wednesday 2 March at 7.30pm for an introductory session for parents and athletes. A number of our athletes face issues when competing either at our regular competitions or regional/state events, so we'd like to see this addressed so we don't lose them to the sport. All are welcome, but please RSVP to me before Wednesday 24 February. We have at least 10-12 families so far. The cost will be $15 each family - payable by cash at the door only.  

See you all on Thursday. 
Darren Watts 
Arena Manager

Added: 16/02/2016 19:27:00
Last Updated: 17/02/2016 16:36:28