Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Week 12 - Christmas Gift

News - 2015/2016

Good evening to you all and hopefully you are trying to stay cool! Brace yourself for another 3 days of high temperatures!
Given the high temperature expected this Saturday (41!), I've devised a shorter program for the kids, with no distance events scheduled. Events will still count for points. We may cancel during the morning if the temperature exceeds 36 degrees (as per our extreme heat policy). I'll make the call on Saturday, as the safety of the kids (and officials) is very important. 
This week's program is attached. Only the Sprint Track requires set up with normal field events please. With the 70m events, all parents can run against their kids in their respective age groups, with the 8 fastest Mums and Dads to progress to a final (Men's and Women's). Bragging rights and prizes for the winners! 

We have secured a lot of great prizes so be sure to buy your tickets this Saturday (1 for $1 or 3 for $2). Prizes include movie vouchers, Pancake Parlour vouchers, wine and more! 
Rumour has it that a man seen wearing a red suit in the Central Reserve area might make an appearance on Saturday...watch this space! 
Monday training with Simone will be on at 4.30pm as normal. Sonia's Wednesday session will NOT be held. 
Low resolution photos from last week have been uploaded to the website at http://wlac34.org/show-image?Folder=293 
High resolution photos are available for purchase through GeoSnapShot. 
A password is required and has been included with this week's email. 

Finally on behalf of the WLAC Committee, may I wish you and your family a safe and happy Christmas and Happy New Year period. Stay safe on the roads. 
See you on Saturday! 
Best regards 
Darren Watts 
Arena Manager

Added: 17/12/2015 21:24:00
Last Updated: 17/12/2015 21:25:56