Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Welcome to Week 14 of the Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc. Season

News - 2014/2015

This Saturday we are running our annual Relaython, to raise funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
Anyone who participated last year will remember how much a great day it is to do something different and have a bit of fun.
Unfortunately the Bowls Club entry will be unavailable again this week so please enter from Springvale Road.
We have set the program to allow all age groups sufficient amount of time to participate in the Relaython.
The purpose of the Relaython is to run as many laps, in the best time, using one Relay baton that is continuously run around the track.
We will begin anytime between 8am – 8:30am when there is enough children around to start, and will finish up around 12pm. So come down early to have a few extra laps.
During the age group programmed times, as many laps will be run that time permits, but athletes can run as many times as they wish – even before or after their programmed time.
Parents – you can also join in and run laps of the track too, so dust off your runners and wear your shorts and get involved!
Age Group Laps will be in splits to allow for more laps to be run (quicker):
U6 – U10 athletes will run 100m legs each (4 athletes / 100m each = 1 Lap)
U11 – U12 athletes will run 200m legs each (2 athletes / 200m each = 1 Lap)
U13 – U16 athletes and Parents will run either 200m or 400m legs – their choice
Times, Laps and individuals names will be recorded on the day, so you can team up with your parents and run a 200m leg each, or verse your friends or other parents.
It can be lots of fun, you just need to make the most of what’s on offer.
Post event, we will sort out who ran the fastest lap time of the day, how many laps we completed, our overall time and how many kilometres we ran as a Centre.
We will be taking donations this week and next week. We ask for a gold coin donation, you can make your donation at the Canteen, inside the Clubroom or at the Start Line.
There will also be a raffle which we will be selling tickets for this week and next, and will draw the raffle on the 14th February.
If you would like to donate a prize for the Raffle, please let Dylan Cooper know.
Athletes – you must wear your patch to compete.  If you forget it, please go to the administration table in the clubrooms to get a temporary patch. If you can't see your results then please provide Proof of Age to the registrar at the administration table. 
As per every week, please wear a hat and bring a bottle of water (750ml please) and a snack.
Please support and thank our Sponsors who generously contribute to our Centre.

Added: 04/02/2015 21:13:41
Last Updated: 04/02/2015 21:15:32