Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Welcome to Week 11 of the Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc. Season

News - 2014/2015

As the festive seasons is warming up and the Little Athletics season is coming to a holiday break, this weekend is our last competition until January 24th.
We will be running our annual Christmas Program where we schedule events for the kids and parents to have some fun.
Parents can participate with and run against their children in the 70m and 800m (if you wish) – with the fastest 8 mums and dads running off in the Final at the end of the Program.
Athletes will also have some field events to compete as well.
NOTE: One field event this week will be officially recorded to account towards the athletes weeks attendance, points and Region Track & Field Qualification. DON’T MISS OUT!!!
We also have a special guest arriving at around 10:30am – 11:00am – can you guess who???
Yes, it’s Santa Claus.
We want to see every athlete of our Centre involved in the week's Program. It will be lots of fun and athletes will receive a lolly bag and get the chance to sit with and have a photo with Santa. 
Athletes – you must wear your patch to compete.  If you forget it, please go to the administration table in the clubrooms to get a temporary patch. If you can't see your results then please provide Proof of Age to the registrar at the administration table. 
As per every week, please wear a hat and bring a bottle of water (750ml please) and a snack.
Please support and thank our Sponsors who generously contribute to our Centre.

Added: 17/12/2014 22:15:35