Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Cross Country Week 12 - and the siren sounded at Knox Park!

News - 2009/2010

It was a great day at Knox Park with many athletes dressing up in their footy colours … making it a little hard to pick them out amongst the crowd!  Our best dressed athlete was Flynn, who came complete in Hawthorn colours topped off with hair sprayed yellow.

The starter was a one-eyed Richmond supporter and gave all those on the starting line, who were wearing the Tiger colours, a few steps head start!

It was a quieter day attendance-wise as many opted to rest their weary legs, leading into the EMR Championships on Sunday!  Photos.

EMR Cross Country Championship
Sunday was our inauguration into EMR!  With our team of 5 athletes, we proudly flew our Waverley flag.  After a few hiccups finding the location of the cross-country village within the expansive Ruffey Lake  Park, we eventually settled and the day proceeded efficiently, finishing by about 12.30 pm.

Our athletes, Ellie Sanford, Konrad and Nela Debicki, Ebony Sturgess and James George are to be commended on their fine performances over an extremely challenging course.  Results will be sent to us this week and I will include them in the next email.

Very special thanks go to Darrin Stephens who volunteered, despite not having children competing in cross-country, to cover our key official duty as assistant time keeper throughout the day.  He also helped with setting up and packing up the course and equipment.  Thanks Darrin!

Many thanks also to Matt Sturgess and Tony George who were unflappable as finish line marshals.  Thanks guys!  Photos.

Thank you to Justine Box and Peter Babincsky who assisted with finish line marshalling at Knox Park.  Your assistance is most appreciated, especially Justine who didn’t even have children running on the day!

Cheers and good luck!
Kate Sanford
Cross Country Coordinator

Added: 20/06/2009 14:44:37