Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Cross Country - Week 5 - we were here ... then we were there ... then we were here again ...

News - 2009/2010

It was a messy lead up into week 5, with the likelihood of needing to change venues, however Knox worked hard behind the scenes during the week to assess all possible options and eventually ensured a safe and successful competition at Wicks Reserve!  Thanks Knox!
On arrival at Wicks we were all tricked by the course flags heading up and over a massive pile of clay that was the result of construction work.  Of course, it was like a beacon to the kids, irresistible to their budding mountaineering skills!   I, however, saw immediate safety issues and was ready for my first 'conflict' situation with the powers that be!  Fortunately, I was told on the side that the whole scenario was a set-up!  Phew!  Conflict avoided!
Nothing could have dampened our spirits as we gathered beneath our fabulous new Waverley banner flag.  It gives our athletes a place to meet, a place to leave belongings and is a strong reminder to other clubs that Waverley is in attendance and means business!   Many thanks to Lindsay for designing the flag and for overseeing its production.  It will be used frequently.
So, the course flags were moved to go around the side of the clay mountain, the sun shone and the dew kickers headed off on what was a long course for most!
We had 3 new faces join the Waverley team.  Thank you for coming along!

Photos have been uploaded.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Cheers and good luck!
Kate Sanford
Cross Country Coordinator 

Added: 05/05/2009 09:39:18