Waverley Little Athletics Centre Inc.

Family, Fun and Fitness since 12 November 1968
Victoria's Premier Grass Track

Cross Country - Week 4 - the rain stayed away

News - 2009/2010

The weather forecast was ominous for week 4 and I wondered whether we would get many athletes turn up!  No need to worry though, as of course Waverley athletes turn up ... a little forecast rain isn't going to scare us off!
Athletes were rewarded with a fine morning, another great day for cross-country.  Congratulations to all athletes who competed and a warm welcome to those athletes who competed for the first time this season.  It was great to see you at Tirhatuan Park.

Lollies: It seemed like the little extra reward for courageous running was appreciated by all athletes, especially the younger ones.  Look for me (Kate) or one of my little helpers at the end of your race to receive your treat for having a go!  It was also very pleasing to see that the ground was not littered with lolly wrappers ... because any sign of lolly wrappers on the ground will bring this special reward to a grinding halt!  Thank you for putting your rubbish in the bins or for taking it home with you.

Cross-country booklets: The booklets are complete and were handed out last Saturday.  I will have more booklets next week for those who were absent.  Please have a look through the booklets for information about cross-country venues, training and tips!  You can also stick your weekly time records in the pages provided in the booklet.  Let me know if there are any queries arising from the booklet.

Results: As results become available to me, I am entering them onto the Waverley website.  Please note that there are no PBs for cross-country, but that the results software does appear to generate them.  The weekly courses that are run are not actually measured carefully, so the distance could in fact be different by 40 metres or so.  It is only at region and state level that the courses are accurately measured.  You may also view results on the Knox website.
I noted that some athletes may be a little disheartened when they see the place number they are given at the end of their race.  For example '46' may seem like a pretty big number and a long way back in the field for some.  You may like to take some time explaining to your child that their actual place should really only be compared to the same age and gender athletes in their race.  So, even if they came 46th, they may in fact have come top 10 for their age and gender group.  The Knox website results provides this information if required.

Training: Sharon would love to see as many athletes as possible turn up to training on Wednesdays 4.45 - 5.45.  Sharon makes it fun and worthwhile, organising drills in the hills around the athletics track at Waverley (the council does not actually permit groups of people to train on the track during winter).  Come along and stay fit over the winter months!  Parents, why don't you spend the hour doing your own exercise around the track?  You're not participating in an organised group, so you can use the track!

Waverley 'tub': Last Saturday I brought along a plastic tub with lid where I kept all of the spare booklets and other bits and pieces.  You're welcome to use this tub to store your tracksuit pants or tops while you're running if it is of any assistance to you.  The tub has 'Waverley' on the lid and side.  Soon we will have a 'Waverley' banner flag that I can put into the ground, giving us a clear place to meet.

Parents Race: I'm sorry I didn't know about the parents race last Saturday.  Knox are now going to put the dates on their website so that we can promote it.  It seems a parents race is run every month.  Nonetheless, I think we had about 3 parents participate ... in jeans!  I'm still getting to know who is who ... so let me know if you're running and I'll give you a lolly!!!  Congratulations to Craig Sanford who won the race in cargo pants (and a white t-shirt ... which luckily for him remained white)!  Great to also see James' Dad, Tony George and Martin who runs for Waverley seniors having a go!  Who needs Skins when Levis seem to be just as effective?  Perhaps next time we will get more parents prepared to be as courageous as their children and 'have a go'!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Cheers and good luck!
Kate Sanford
Cross Country Coordinator

Added: 25/04/2009 13:30:54
Last Updated: 17/03/2014 23:53:49